dinsdag 31 december 2013

Walking the Dogon

From Bandiagara, me, Esteban and Abdul organised a 4 day walking safari, together with Sheick Dolo, whom I met in Bamako and brought along for guiding us trough his native region.
River just before Sangha

We had to hire a 4x4 for the drive up to Sangha, cause the last bit of this road is just too hard going for my van. Once in Sangha, we left syncro (the dog) at the family of Sheick and started walking the North side of the Dogon.
house of a hunter

Via banani and Koundou  we marched to Yougodogorou.

We spent our first night under the stars, luckily without moskietos, as this is the dry season.

The second night we had a beautiful sunset overlooking the plain towards Burkina.


We only walked from 7'30 to 11' and from 14'30 to 17' due to the midday heat. The rest of the time was basicly spent waiting for the food to be prepared, which usually took 2 hours.  On the 3rd day we visited some very nice Tellem villages, with the typical mud houses and storages hanging from the clifs.

Bronze ring

The last night we had a nice dinner with some beers in Yandouma celibrating christmas before the 12 km walk back to Sangha. Once in Sangha I found my dog had been well taken care of, as she was fed dried fish and looked twice as big.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. amaai, schoon beelden. De moeite zo'n 4-daagse trek. En dat voor u, die niet graag wandelt(de) :-)
