zondag 24 november 2013

Along the coast

We're slowly going south, spending time in some surf villages.
Testing the 4x4 option

Luke and Ben tried some surfing, but I was happy just to watch them with some cold beers.

And I would like to introduce the newest team member, Syncro, the dog.

I'm in the proces of de-fleaing and de-worming her. But the biggest worry is how to get her over the Mauritanian border, I guess I will have to hide her next to the alcohol.

Next stop Tan Tan in the Western Sahara.

1 opmerking:

  1. how cute, the little sycro :-) . Weet je nog dat we het er een paar weken geleden over hadden... en alle zorgen dat dat meebrengt ;-)
    Voed hem/haar deftig op hé!
    veel plezier ermee.
    Johan & Ils
